Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cleaning and Menus

I don't know if you are like me but things get so chaotic that you never get things done and when the end of the week comes you find yourself with a whole weeks worth of chores and laundry. I have found a simple way to get yourself organized when it comes to chores and laundry. I pick certain days to do certain things. Like for example I try to focus on one room a day, like Monday I focus on my kitchen, now granted you can't just do the kitchen on Mondays but that is the day I deep clean it and mop and clean out the fridge. I of course clean up other rooms but I only do the nitty gritty stuff that no one wants to do on one certain day, that way I know it is done. I would like to show you my list and hey you can steal it or you can make your own. I live in an apartment so my list might be smaller. I am sure that when I get into a house I will have to make some changes and add some stuff, but right now it works for me and I have not had a dirty house since I started it.
Monday: Kitchen
Tuesday: Master Bathroom
Wednesday: Kids Bathroom
Thursday: Living Room
Friday: Master Bedroom
Saturday: Kids Bedroom
I do the same with my laundry that way it doesn't seem so daunting. I hate doing laundry but I have found I only have to do two or three loads a day with my system. You can be super busy and still be able to keep a clean home.

I have found that when I plan out my meals that I save so much money. I also have a list of meals that I know my family likes and rotate through but sometimes I throw in a new thing just for fun. Anyway, I like to plan out the whole month. I like to only shop twice a month if I can. Obviously I have to go to the grocery store more often for bread and milk, but everyone has to do that. The day my husband gets payed or the day after I go to the store and buy all the things I need for the week and then I buy stuff to make meals for the next week also. I call it cooking fresh the first week and the second week because money is tight I cook things that I can make from stuff I have. We eat a lot of spaghetti. It has helped me save money and I am not always wondering what we are going to eat and end up spending money on fast food. I also make sure I have a frozen pizza or a very simple throw in the oven meal for the days I just don't want to cook.
You too can start organizing your life and saving money, it is so easy.

Until next time happy organizing!! :)

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