Rule #1
If it hasn't been used in a year then throw it out.
Rule #2
Don't get attached to things, it's OK to keep a few things but honestly you still have the memory.
You can take a picture of that item and have the memory forever.
Rule #3
Don't bring anything else home until you have gotten rid of some stuff.
Rule #4
No Impulse buying. Walk away and think about it and if you really want it then go back and buy it.
Rule #5
For every piece of clothing you buy get rid of two old pieces of clothing that you don't wear anymore.
Rule #6
Every season go through your clothes and get rid of clothes that are old, worn or don't fit. If you know you aren't going to wear it just get rid of it.
Rule #7
Go through toiletries and get rid of things that are gone or expired. Like I said before if you don't use it get rid of it.
Rule #8
If you have kids go through toys and get rid of things that are broken or they just don't play with anymore. If they are like my kids then they will notice but what is the point of keeping something if they aren't using it.
Rule #8
I love containers, I prefer clear ones that I can see what is in it. It keeps everything nice and organized and in it's place. I also believe everyone should have a label maker.
Rule #9
Put things away after you use it. It is so much easier to put things away right after you use it then to wait until it gets to the point you want to scream.
Rule #10
This blog will be about organizing stuff, your finances and just organizing every bit of your life. I hope I can help someone else organize their life.
I look forward to your comments and ideas.
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