Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 1: The closets

I live in an apartment so being organized is really important for my sanity. Four people in a two bedroom apartment can get kind of congested, especially when you really just don't have room. I have to keep up on getting rid of things all the time. Right now my closet needs some real help, it's been more about money than anything why I haven't done it yet. I discovered these really cool slim hangers, they make it so easy to fit more clothes in your closet. I get mine at TJ Max for $5 bucks a bundle. I also got rid of a lot of clothes and bought some baskets to put clothes and other stuff in. I need more baskets and the ones I have were discontinued so now I have to start all over again. I also, bought a shoe organizer but need to get another one. I tried the over the door ones and they never seemed to work for me, so I bought a wooden one that sits on the floor. I also, have my scrap booking stuff and other craft stuff, right now they are in bags but I would love to get some containers to put them in. I also need to get some containers for my winter clothes, right now they are just folded on my shelves waiting for a child to knock them down.
My boys room, I need to go through clothes and either get rid of or pack up clothes that don't fit anymore. I also need to get rid of some toys and other junk.
The front closet needs some real help, it is overflowing and driving me crazy, I can barely fit my vacuum in it and I would really love to be able to fit my vacuum and my steamer in there.
I'm not sure what I am going to do to make it better but I will let you know.
This is my project for the week. I will let you all know how it goes when I am done.

Monday, August 15, 2011


I am so excited to start this blog. I have wanted to do this for a long time but just haven't gotten around to it. I have made a lot of changes in my life so that I don't lose my mind. Being a mom to two boys 1 and 4 can be quite busy and challenging. I have not always been an organized person but as an adult I knew it was so important to change, I was not going to go down the same path as my parents. I hate clutter and stuff. I like to walk into a room and see everything has a place. It was easy to be organized when it was just Tim and me. Throw in two boys and you've got chaos. I was starting to drown and then one day I was like "You know things are just things." Here are some of my rules.
Rule #1
If it hasn't been used in a year then throw it out.
Rule #2
Don't get attached to things, it's OK to keep a few things but honestly you still have the memory.
You can take a picture of that item and have the memory forever.
Rule #3
Don't bring anything else home until you have gotten rid of some stuff.
Rule #4
No Impulse buying. Walk away and think about it and if you really want it then go back and buy it.
Rule #5
For every piece of clothing you buy get rid of two old pieces of clothing that you don't wear anymore.
Rule #6
Every season go through your clothes and get rid of clothes that are old, worn or don't fit. If you know you aren't going to wear it just get rid of it.
Rule #7
Go through toiletries and get rid of things that are gone or expired. Like I said before if you don't use it get rid of it.
Rule #8
If you have kids go through toys and get rid of things that are broken or they just don't play with anymore. If they are like my kids then they will notice but what is the point of keeping something if they aren't using it.
Rule #8
I love containers, I prefer clear ones that I can see what is in it. It keeps everything nice and organized and in it's place. I also believe everyone should have a label maker.
Rule #9
Put things away after you use it. It is so much easier to put things away right after you use it then to wait until it gets to the point you want to scream.
Rule #10

This blog will be about organizing stuff, your finances and just organizing every bit of your life. I hope I can help someone else organize their life.
I look forward to your comments and ideas.